Both Parlor guitars and Grand Concerts have been my favorite guitars. This is probably the best Parlor guitar that I have ever built. I originally built a few of BRW, but as I started to explore the tonal qualities of white oak, I built more and more Parlors and also Grand Concert instruments from white oak/red spruce. It is just such a fingerpicking, bluesy sound. This Parlor is typical of my Parlors with Ladder bracing with my own modifications and thicker red spruce tops,. The instrument is a loud guitar for a Parlor with crisp trebles and quite enough bass without being muddy sounding. It also features my typical 12’ arched back with laminated spruce/BRW bracing.
Box size is: lower bout-12-1/2", waist-6-3/4", upper bout-9" depth at end pin-3-1/2. Scale length is 25" and nut is 1-3/4".
The video is of one very similar, but I believe this one is a bit louder. Instrument is sold as used, very clean, small ding on neck, easily drop filled.


At one point, I decided I wanted to build a Stahl (Larson) Presentation guitar, a Concert size instrument with all the trimmings of the original. It was an interesting build and extremely intense with all the inlay in the neck and peg head. I think I counted over 105 separate pieces.
It was to be built with some 70 year old Brazilian Rosewood I had and red spruce. I originally had thought Larson laminated X bracing, but at the last minute I decided on a ladder braced top as I thought that BRW might be a bit too rich and quiet sounding in a Concert size. The result in my view was a correct determination as the tone is rich, balanced and just a bit more crisp than the typical X braced concert. To me, it represents a rather perfect combination of BRW warmth and a red spruce/ladder braced treble with the usual BRW complexity. It is lush without being muddy sounding.
Box size is 18" long, 13" lower bout, 7-1/2" waist and 9-1/2" upper. Depth at end pin is 3-1/2" and nut is 1-3/4". Scale is 25".

The Grand Concert 6 Larson style was my most popular guitar. I have refined it over some 15 years, it has taken several box shape changes to achieve what I believe is my ultimate tonal and aesthetic instrument.
I have veered from the exact Larson shape and construction, but I feel it retains the Larson expression as I saw it. This last instrument is what I think of as the epitome of "Larson".
This is an instrument with a large, clear tonal range, accurate Larson handmade purfling and Larson X laminated (BRW/red spruce) braced top and back bracing with 12' top and back radius. Deviation from standard Larson fair are carbon fiber "tone tubes", cylindrical radius on the red spruce top, Stella "offset pyramid" African Blackwood bridge, white oak back and ribs and my standard laminated bracing system for the back.
Scale of this instrument is 25", lower bout is 15-1/4", waist 8-3/4" and upper bout at 10-1/2", length is 20-1/4". Depth at end pin is 3-7/8".
Although the instrument is only months old, it is being sold as used. It is nearly flawless.
I had the opportunity to build one for Dakota Dave Hull several years ago; it is one of his favorite guitars. You can hear the clarity and solid bass on the recording clips.